
How we can help?

The Growth Team at West Lindsey are keen to support any development proposals. Whether you are an existing business looking to expand or a new business looking to to start or relocate to this thriving rural area, we are here to help.

We have a team of people who can help and support you to ensure you have all the information, advice and guidance you need to make your plans come alive.

Sally Grindrod-Smith

Sally Grindrod-Smith

Director of Planning, Regeneration and Communities
01427 676637
[email protected]

Wendy Osgodby

Wendy Osgodby

Gainsborough Place Manager
01427 676636
[email protected]

Opening hours and telephone service
Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00

If you are looking for local business support and advice please visit:
Business Lincolnshire

For information about the Gainsborough Growth Fund please visit:
Gainsborough Growth Fund

Contact us

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